Amendment 1: Yes
Elections for Members of District School Boards will become partisan elections so we can tell who are conservatives.
Amendment 2: Yes
Preserves the right to Fish and Hunt. Allows regulation but prevents future legislation from ending either activity.
Amendment 3: NO
Allows recreational Marijuana and Creates a Monopoly for Marijuana Corporations in the Florida Constitution. Written by the Marijuana Corporations so it gives them complete legal immunity. Everyone in public places will be subject to second hand smoke and Florida taxpayers will have to pickup and medical and addiction issues.. Blocks future regulating legislation. For more information visit
Amendment 4: NO
Misleading Abortion Amendment that Removes Parental Consent and Allows Late Term Abortion When Babies Feel Pain. Blocks future legislation on Abortions. For more information listen to Senator Lankhorn’s rebuttal to the ABC moderator or visit and
Amendment 5: Yes
Adds Annual Adjustments to the Value of Certain Homestead Exemptions.
Amendment 6: Yes
Repeals Public Campaign Financing Requirement. Saves Florida tax dollars.