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Ready to Save America?

Become a Lee County Republican Executive Committee member!

Wonder where the floor delegates at the National Convention come from? Or the Electoral College? They come from your county Executive Committee! Executive Committee members have voting power and influence under the banner of the Republican Party of Florida and Republican National Committee.

This is how you Make America Great Again.

How? Because everything starts local.

Lee County Republican Executive Committee (LCREC) members are the boots on the ground, the eyes and ears of their respective voting precincts, the election educators, the campaigners, the voice of the People.

We are not a club. We are the business side of elections. If you are looking for rallies, luncheons or issues to champion we recommend reviewing a chartered Republican club near you. You can view our clubs under Club Corner of by clicking here.


Elected officials make decisions that affect too many aspects of our lives. If we don’t actively recruit more Republican voters or seek out and support qualified Republicans to manage our communities, champion our freedoms and support our principles then we cannot be surprised when our roads are a mess, our children are uneducated, our liberties are infringed, and our freedoms are taken away. Lee County Republican Executive Committee (LCREC) men and women are tasked with educating their precincts on elections and candidates, and help find qualified Republicans from their own backyards to represent us in elections. We focus on the following objectives:

1- Fostering loyalty to the Republican Party

2- Educating voters on elections and candidates

3- Increasing Republican voter registrations

4- Seeking qualified Republicans to represent us

5- Promote the election of Republicans in the General Election

6- Upholding the principles of the Republican Party

View the RPOF Constitution

View the Lee County Model Constitution

View the RPOF Rules of Procedure 

Help us build the foundation for an America that will survive beyond 2026 and 2028!

What are some examples of what a LCREC member is expected to do?

  • Volunteer for and assist LCREC events, fundraisers, voter drives, phone banks, forums and meetings
  • Stay informed on local and state policy
  • Find solid Republicans to run for office
  • Promote LCREC events, volunteer opportunities and memberships to Republican voters in our precinct
  • Educate Republican voters in your respective precinct on local issues, events, educational opportunities and elections through door knocking, social media, debate watch parties, sign waving, text/mail campaigns, cook outs, driveway socials, phone calls, etc.
  • Encourage new neighbors to register and vote Republican
  • Sign up to poll watch and/or poll greet during election time
  • Assist Republicans in your voting precinct during election time with transportation, election day information and campaign literature
  • Attend LCREC business meetings (generally 6-10x per year)
LeeGOP with Eagle

Before You Apply:

  1. You must be a registered Republican for at least 365 days.
  2. Confirm there is an open position in your voting precinct by calling the Lee County Supervisor of Elections @ (239) LEE-VOTE (533-8683) or visiting Lee.Vote and find Candidate Lists.
  3. Know the expectation is to be an active committeeman/woman and implement the duties listed above. 
  4. You must attend two business meetings. Apply at your first meeting (arrive when doors open), get sworn in at your second meeting.

"Our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor"

Isn't America worth it? Join us! Let's get to work.


Please complete the form and you will receive the application in your email.



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Lee County Republican Executive Committee© 2025 All rights reserved.