LCREC Business Meeting
April 5 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Your Lee County Republican Executive Committee is an important organization directly affiliated to the Republican Party of Florida. We are your county delegates! The LCREC seeks to accomplish several objectives outlined in the state and county model constitutions.
- Foster loyalty to the Republican Party
- Educate voters
- Increase Republican voter registrations
- Seek qualified Republicans
- Promote the election of Republicans in the General Election
- Uphold the principles of the Republican Party
We are precinct committeemen/women who are tasked to keep our individual voting precincts informed about local Republican events and elections. We are the worker bees and our work has only just begun as we build the foundation for a strong America for generations to come.
During business meetings the member-elected Board, and others, seek to update the committeemen/women on the organization’s previous, current and future objectives. At times we discuss potential resolutions to be shared with our local officials. Everything starts local!
Doors open at 9:15AM. We kindly ask everyone to be checked in and seated by 9:50AM so we can start on time at 10AM.
Members should submit their excused absences, motions, and suggested agenda edits at least 48 hours prior to the business meeting date. Only members can vote during business meetings. Guests are welcome, but cannot vote or participate. No RSVP is required. Join the LCREC as a member by attending a meeting to pick up an application and confirm your precinct’s availability. Want to volunteer instead? Sign up HERE.