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Resolution in Support of Attached Proposed Lee County Board of County Commissioners Ordinance Declaring Lee County a Bill of Rights Sanctuary County

Whereas, The Constitution of the United States is the Supreme Law of the land; Whereas, Our rights are unalienable and come from God and not from government; 

Whereas, The Constitution of the State of Florida enumerates additional rights of the people of the State of Florida; 

Whereas, The People of this Nation, State, and County have had their rights abridged, restricted and  impinged by overreaching laws, regulations, rules, mandates, and other purported authoritative actions; 

Whereas, The People appear to be under the false belief that all such promulgations by Federal, State,  Local, and regulatory agencies must be followed without consideration of the aforementioned; 

Whereas, The People need a clear reminder of their rights; and, 

Whereas, The People, the government, and our Sheriffs need to be emboldened to stand strong and not  comply with any such laws, regulations, rules, mandates, etc. that undermine the rights of the People as  protected and secured by both the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of  Florida. 

Resolved, That on behalf of the people of Lee County and the Lee County Republican Executive  Committee, we stand in support of the proposed Lee County Board of County Commissioners Ordinance  Declaring Lee County a Bill of Rights Sanctuary County; 

Resolved, We call upon the Lee County Board of County Commissioners to adopt the referenced and  attached proposed ordinance; and, 

Resolved, That we further compel the Lee County Sheriff , as required by that constitutional office, to do  all within its power to protect the rights and liberties of the citizens of Lee County notwithstanding the  adoption of this ordinance by the Lee County Board of County Commissioners or not. 


Tara Jenner- LCREC Vice Chair 




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