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Resolution to Condemn Profiteering by the Cape Coral City Council

Whereas, Elected officials are in a position of public trust and have a duty to serve the
people and not themselves;

Whereas, We have seen at the federal and state level actions from elected officials,
including President Joe Biden and Senator Bob Menendez, abusing their positions of
public trust to obtain financial gain for themselves and their families;

Whereas, The Cape Coral City Council unilaterally disbanded the all-volunteer five-
member citizen advisory board called the Community Redevelopment Agency;

Whereas, There was no explanation or justification for the elimination of said advisory
board or suggestion the board was ineffective, failed to accomplish its designated
function, nor were there any allegations of wrong-doing on the part of the advisory
board prompting the need for their elimination;

Whereas, On December 13th, 2023, the Cape Coral City Council during a consent
agenda item (without discussion) voted in favor of a substantial pay raise, described as
a “stipend,” of $5,000 per month for the Mayor and $3,300 per month per City Council

Whereas, Only Council Member Bobby Welsh voted “NO” on the consent agenda, and
Council Member Dan Sheppard was conveniently absent during the consent item vote;

Whereas, This “stipend” was said to compensate the council members for the added
duties they voluntarily took upon themselves to take over the work previously handled
by the all-volunteer five-member citizens’ advisory board;

Whereas, Now a total of eight (8) council members, three more than the unpaid prior
board, will receive a stipend for work heretofore done at no cost to the taxpayers;

Whereas, This stipend is contrary to the vocal wishes of the residents, was approved
without citizen vote, and without discussion during the consent agenda;

Whereas, Article IV of the Cape Coral City Charter sets forth the salary of the Mayor
and City Council members, which is annually adjusted based on the Social Security
Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), and that changes to the salary of the Mayor and/or
City Council members requires a vote of the electorate of Cape Coral; and

Whereas, The City Council has directly and unjustly profited and enriched themselves
by their own actions, circumventing the intent of the City Charter which limits
remuneration to the Council to a designated salary and to specific expenses incurred;,and

Resolved, That the Republican Party of Lee County condemns and admonishes the
Cape Coral City Council for using their power to enrich themselves at the expense of
the taxpayers;

Resolved, That the Republican Party of Lee County formally compels the Cape Coral
City Council to reconsider and reverse Resolution 351-23;

Resolved, That no funding, resources, or support shall come from the Republican Party
of Lee County to any City Councilmember or Mayor who accepted the stipend on or
after October 1st 2023, unless otherwise required by law or the RPOF Constitution or
the County Model Constitution; and

Resolved, That no literature from the Republican Party of Lee County advertising
Republican candidates shall include the names of any City Councilmember or Mayor
who accepted the stipend on or after October 1st 2023, unless otherwise required by law
or the RPOF Constitution or the County Model Constitution.

Resolved, that the Lee County GOP calls on members who have accepted the stipend
to return the money back to the City of Cape Coral by March 1st, 2024.

Sean Hartman
LCREC Precinct Committeeman 109


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