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Adopted April 16, 2024

WHEREAS, the State of Florida recently reached a Settlement with plaintiffs in a case
challenging Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, which was enacted in 2022 as HB 1557 to
restrict classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in public schools;

WHEREAS, the Settlement, while upholding the Statute, contains language that we are
concerned would-be activist teachers or administrators may use to violate the original intent and
spirit of the Statute;

WHEREAS, among other provisions, the Settlement allows LGBTQ-promoting “safe space”
stickers and even discussions about certain sexual orientations and gender identities in the classroom,
as long as they are not part of formal “instruction;”

WHEREAS, the Settlement also explicitly permits student cross-dressing, same-sex school
dances, reading assignments and school plays with LGBTQ themes, LGBTQ “anti-bullying”
instruction (which is often code for LGBTQ indoctrination), and on-campus “extracurricular
activities” such as Gay-Straight Alliances, which are notorious for indoctrinating and sexualizing
school children;

WHEREAS, equally if not more troubling, the settlement draws a false equivalency between
destructive LGBTQ lifestyle choices and traditional heterosexual relationships and families, and
between transgenderism and a biology-based understanding of sex;

WHEREAS, under the guise of “non-discrimination” and “equal application” of the
prohibition on sexual orientation and gender identity instruction, the Settlement improperly forbids
“instruction on the normalcy of opposite-sex attraction” and states “it would violate the statute to
instruct students that heterosexuality is superior or that gender identity is immutable based on
biological traits,” which contradicts Sections 1000.071 and 1003.46 of Florida Statutes enacted in
2023 as HB 1069;

WHEREAS, legislation introduced in the 2024 legislative session that aimed to prohibit
displays of flags promoting certain sexual orientations and gender identities in the classroom was not
adopted because it failed to advance in the Florida Senate; and2

WHEREAS, in order to prevent the exploitation of the aforementioned Settlement by school
district employees desiring to push an ideological agenda or initiate inappropriate sexually themed
discussions and activities in the classroom, and to maintain a safe and proper learning environment
for children.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lee County Republican Executive
Committee urges the Lee County School Board to adopt a resolution stating as follows:

1. No school, teacher or administrator within the Lee County School District may erect
or display a flag, poster, sticker, or other visual representation on school district property that
promotes sexual orientation identity politics or gender ideology. Teachers also must avoid
classroom discussions and reading assignments that promote these topics.

2. Written parental permission shall be required for student participation in all
extracurricular clubs and activities.

3. To maintain a safe and proper learning environment, students must dress
appropriately and, in a manner, consistent with their biological sex, as defined by state statute
1006.205(3)(A) biological sex is determined at birth.

4. As provided in Sections 1000.071 and 1003.46 of Florida Statutes duly enacted in
2023 as HB 1069, it shall be the policy of every public K-12 educational institution that is
provided or authorized by the Constitution and laws of Florida that a person’s sex is an
immutable biological trait and that it is false to ascribe to a person a pronoun that does not
correspond to such person’s sex; and that throughout instruction in acquired immune
deficiency syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, or health education, when such instruction
and course material contains instruction in human sexuality, a school shall teach abstinence
from sexual activity outside of marriage as the expected standard for all school-age students
while teaching the benefits of monogamous heterosexual marriage.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to the
Lee County School Board.

Submitted by Denise Nystrom
Member, LCREC Public Education Committee
Committee Precinct woman #313, Lee County
Lee County Republican Executive Committee, Inc


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